Christmas Celebration 009

Christmas greetings to you all from Seomra Ranga, and best wishes for the New Year. Enjoy the well-earned break and return to the site in 2010 for all your classroom resources. It’s been a busy year for Seomra Ranga, especially since September when the site experienced record numbers of visitors. This level of traffic to the site has exceeded all expectations with almost 450,000 visitors to the site during the last twelve months, the past four months being the busiest of all. It’s been so busy with traffic that the site has crashed twice as the allocated bandwidth was exceeded. The hosting plan has been upgraded to try to cope with the level of visitors so hopefully this will not happen again.

A special word of thanks to those who went to the trouble of uploading resources to the site to share with others. It’s easy to do – just attach the resource (in any format .doc, .ppt, .pdf, .jpeg, .pub, etc) to an e-mail and send it to

2010 will hopefully bring new and fresh changes to the site. Already the domain name has been secured so the site is now also accessible through that address. The site is also currently being re-designed and will hopefully be launched early in the new year. New content and resources are also being planned to add to the existing bank of resources on the site. Please let me know if there are changes that you feel would add to the design and functionality of the site.