Daisy Dunne

Daisy is gifted. When she was 5, she drew a map of the world on the kitchen wall. By the age of 8, she took her fathers car apart and put it back together again. By the time she was 12, she was studying Science and Mathematics at university. With each birthday, Daisy becomes more devoted to finding answers to the worlds most puzzling questions. That is until her childhood friend Mitten, teaches her the one thing she doesn’t know; life’s most important lesson.

Children’s favourite, Cups and Crowns Theatre Company present this wonderful, original story about a gifted girl and her extraordinary friend for their touring programme commencing September 2010. The show is devised by Cups and Crowns, performed by Gillian Kelly & Maria O’Leary, Set Design by Dara McGee and directed by Fiona McDonagh. With a duration of 45 minutes, the show is aimed at pupils between 1st – 6th class.Duration: 45mins

The company will facilitate drama workshops before the performance. The facilitator will bring the children through a structured workshop using ‘process drama technique’, which allows them to gain a better understanding of the artistic processes and themes in the performance. A short ‘Chatback’ session will happen after the performance. The facilitator will open up dialogue with the young audience about their experience of the story. This session will involve Inquiry, Discussion and Reflection. Schools will also receive a ‘Teacher Activity Pack’ with suggestions of follow-on artistic activities linked to the performance. This is a wonderful way to extend the artistic experience for everyone.

The Drama Schools Programme consists of the following:

* ‘The Magnificent Mind of Daisy Dunne’- 45min Production

* 1 x Pre-performance Drama Workshop

* Post Show ‘Response and Reflection’ Session

* Teacher Pack with follow on Artistic Activities

Total Cost – 300 Euro

This Educational Programme is designed with consideration for the Primary Schools Drama Curriculum set out by the Department of Education and Science. If you would like Cups and Crowns to visit your school – Phone Today: 0868534542 or Email – info@cupsandcrowns.ie


Cups and Crowns is kindly supported by Mayo County Council, Galway County Council, Galway City Council, Clare Arts Office and Sligo County Council. This Show was specially commissioned by and made for GALWAY ARTS FESTIVAL 2010.

This performance has not been seen by Seomra Ranga and the purpose of this post is simply to provide schools with information about an educational drama experience that they may wish pupils to engage in.