Sneeze Safe is an English based website which provides you with free resources to teach children about “Catch It, Bin It, Kill It”, to help stop the spread of viruses. It is put together by Kleenex, the tissue manufacturer, for obvious reasons. If you can get over the fact that it is produced by a commercial enterprise with an obvious vested interest, the website actually has good resources. I recently used it with my 2nd/3rd class and they really enjoyed watching the videos. There are stories in cartoon format which help pupils to learn about germs and colds with the help of Suki Sneeze and Nathan Noseblow. They also help pupils to find out how tissues can help prevent colds from spreading. There are some easy games for pupils to play to re-inforce what they have learned about using tissues to prevent the spread of viruses. There is a Teacher Zone with resources and lesson plans to download. There is also a Parents’ Zone which gives ideas and tips about how they can help.
Although I used it with my Rang III, I certainly wouldn’t really use it with pupils any older than that. This website is more suited to younger pupils who would really love this and they would learn in a really fun and interactive way. It looks great on an Interactive White Board. It is well worth recommending. Visit the Sneeze Safe website.