
The Kodály Society of Ireland presents a one-day-workshop with Dr. Laszlo Nemes entitled “Exploring Music: A Practical Approach to Teaching and Learning” on Saturday 14th May 2011, 10.00am – 4.30pm in St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Following an amazing response to last year’s day workshop, the Kodály Society of Ireland are delighted to present this one-day course led by Dr. László Nemes, Director of the Kodály Institute.

The day will consist of:

– Practical musicianship class

– Demonstration lesson with primary school pupils

– Analysis of teaching methods

– Practical steps for teaching part-singing

– Panel discussion/debate with guest speakers: ‘Are specialist music teachers a help or a hindrance in primary schools?’

The day will be an amazing chance to improve or develop your musical skills – it’s suitable for everyone from teachers to singers, musicians to conductors.

Cost: €50 (students €30). KSI members -20%

To book your place, e-mail