Cúla 4 is the young people’s service on TG4. They have recently released a Gaeilge app designed for both iPhone and iPad. The app is aimed at younger pupils and provides over 100 fun Irish language words. The vocabulary is presented in four groups – Weather, Animals, Vehicles, and Parts of the Body. It includes the written and the spoken version of each word accompanied by clear images of the word. It also includes a drawing page, to scribble your own words! At the moment, the app is quite basic and it would be great to see it developed further. It teaches the vocabulary in isolation, so the word is not heard in context in a sentence. Nevertheless, given the lack of quality apps to support the learning of Gaeilge in the classroom, it’s great to see our Irish language TV station coming up with a good quality educational app.
Cúla Caint Ainmhithe Screenshot
Sheol muid App Culacaint2 ag oireachtas 2012. Freisin sheol muid App eile Gaeilge Olly an Veain Bheag Bhán& Ag Spraoi Le Claude. Déan cuardach faoi Cula4 nó TG4 ar an App store.
Search under TG4 or Cula4 in the App store for more Apps in Irish.
Hi. was wondering if it was possible to download culacaint to my laptop to use on my interactive whiteboard with my infant classes?? its a fab app but not much use on my iphone only 🙁
Hi Joan, I don’t think that there is a web version of the app. If you have access to an iPad, you can have the app on that and connect it up to the IWB for all to see.