This week is Gifted Education Awareness Week (GEAW). Its aim is to encourage teacher awareness of Exceptionally Able pupils in the classroom and to help overcome the myths about these pupils. By recognising the educational needs of Exceptionally Able pupils the teacher can help these pupils achieve their potential in the classroom. The most harmful myth about Exceptionally Able pupils is that they will perform well no matter what; and if they don’t perform well, they were probably never gifted in the first place!
There was a lively chat on this week’s EdchatIE on Twitter during which some links for teachers and parents about Gifted education were shared.Here are some of those links to explore:
- Gifted Kids in Ireland
- Gifted and Talented Ireland
- Giftedness As Asynchronous Development
- Introduction to Gifted and Talented Children (.pdf file by Peter Lydon)
- Drafting a School Policy on Gifted Children
- Gifted ADHD Diagnosis Concern
- Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
- Dare to Differentiate Livebinder
- Differentiation Ideas
- Equality of Challenge Initiative by SESS
- Gifted Kids Recorded Webinars
- IEPs for Gifted Kids Livebinder
- Hoagies – the Beginning and end of all things Gifted
- Transcript on EdchatIE Twitter Discussion on Gifted Education
- Parent’s View of Gifted Children
- Links to Websites and Articles on Gifted Education
Wow, that was quick! Thank you for digesting all that. In case anyone is interested, there is a weekly Twitter chat on gifted issues in Ireland on Sunday nights at 9pm: #gtie, hosted by @peter_lydon. It would be great to have more teachers participating.
This is great, It was a good chat the other eveninng, and great resources shared. Wonderful to see such interest from teachers and others attending. I am glad to see you included My Livebinder collections of links. These are resources that could be of use to those interested in Gifted Education. The collection is meant to be shared. Very willing to help/source information on related topics if anyone has a requirement for same. Leave a comment/request on my blog, or follow/mess on twitter at @Leslinks. Here to help. ;-D
More links collections from My livebinder shelf can be accesses on the useful links tab from
Thanks for the post. Chuffed! Unfortunately there are hardly any specific classroom resources for gifted children in education in Ireland and a lot of what is available on the interweb is oriented towards American curriculua. Irish teachers can develop their own resources or use enrichment their lessson with with a variety of other materials availabnle locally. Over time I will add ideas to and But if teachers would like to share ideas, please feel free to email me. Obviously full credit, copyright etc would remain with the teacher.
I would like to add our website and inform you about our monthly free event for gifted educators from all around the world.
Best wishes from Germany.