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The Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) have been running CESI Meets for a number of years now. They are based on the Teach Meet formula, where informality is the order of the day. They give opportunities to educators to share practice, discover new ideas, network and be inspired. Anyone can get involved, share great ideas they’ve trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply take part in learning conversations.

The great news is that CESI have now organised the first CESI Meet to be held in the North West. The event will take place on Friday April 27th, in St. Attracta’s Community School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo, from 6.30 to 8.30pm. Registration for the event is now open It’s simple to sign up (and makes the job of the organisers easier if you register) but feel free to go along on the night. The CESI Meet is for teachers at all levels of education. Presentations are varied and last 2 minutes, 7 minutes or 15 minutes. So if you are living/teaching in any of the counties in the North West and have never been to a CESI Meet before, now is your chance to see what technologies other teachers are using in the classroom and to get ideas to enhance your lessons.

 Please download the CESI Meet North West Poster and share it with colleagues in the staffroom.

To give a flavour of what a CESI Meet is all about, have a look at this video of a recent event: (there’s about two seconds of me at the beginning!)