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I just happened across the Help My Kid Learn website during the week and wondered how it came about. It seems that as part of the national literacy and numeracy strategy, the Department of Education and Skills (DES) asked the National Adult Literacy Agency to highlight the role that parents and communities can play in improving children’s literacy and numeracy, using media, online resources and celebrity endorsements. The website’s purpose is to provide fun activities that parents can do with their children to develop their literacy and numeracy. It includes general information, fun activities and useful tips. Help My Kid Learn is a website where people can see that supporting a child’s literacy and numeracy development is a natural, easy and fun activity that can be integrated into any part of their day.

You can choose to browse the site depending on the age of the child: 0-2, 3-4, 5-7, 8-9 or 10-12. Within each section there are suggestions for activities under the headings Talk, Play, Read, Write, Count. Some are tips, others are links to websites, activities or ebooks. It certainly looks like a good site to recommend to parents to compliment the work being done in schools.