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This is the fifth of David Ganly’s ICT in the Classroom eBulletins. David teaches in Donabate Community College and he says that the eBulletin started off as an idea he had to engage and encourage teachers in his school to use ICT in the classroom. After putting the first edition together he soon realised that it would be more beneficial if he made it open for any teacher to use, so he then decided to circulate it through his email contacts, the CESI list and Edmodo.

He began to receive many complimentary emails and comments about its relevance and the fact that teachers didn’t seem to have anything like this. Many teachers through Edmodo (as far as Australia, Thailand and USA) have told him that they print out each edition out and post it in their staff room wall.

This fifth edition of David’s eBulletin contains lots of tips and suggestions for technologies that are useful to teachers for planning and for the classroom such as Audacity, VLC Media Player, Dropbox, Comic Builder and Studyclix. As David says, please download this and share it with your colleagues in school. The file is an A3 document in PDF format and is best viewed in 75%+. However, I easily printed this out in A4 format by adjusting my printer settings.

I came across these newsletters through the CESI mailing list and thought that they contained great information on technology for teachers in the classroom. I’m grateful to David for allowing me to make these available to teachers visiting Seomra Ranga.

Source: David Ganly

(.pdf file 759KB)

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