Little Bird’s Internet Security Adventure, is a free children’s book for iPad produced by AVG, the anti-virus software company. It is aimed at parents and teachers of young children. The book is designed to help adults initiate conversations about Internet safety in an age-appropriate manner. It is hoped that the book will be useful in helping young children to begin to develop lifelong patterns of safe and secure online activity.
The book, which has an autoplay option as well as a “read to me” and “read it myself” option, is illustrated with colourful and appealing images. The story is based around a little bird who is flying home to talk to her Grandma on the computer. On the way, she encounters some of her friends who have come across problems on the internet. Little Bird offers suggestions to her friends about how to keep safe online.
The storyline is simple and the vocabulary used is age appropriate, yet it gets across the message of internet safety to its target audience. This ebook would be great to show to younger pupils in school as part of an SPHE lesson on internet safety.
This free ebook for iPad is available to download from the iTunes store HERE