The Sort it Out app is a great app for getting pupils, especially younger pupils or those with special educational needs, to sort out a variety of objects in a fun and interesting way. In each section of the app, the pupil is presented with a range of objects at the bottom of the screen. They have to drag and drop the objects into one of three areas at the top of the screen.
So, for example, there is a section with a range of objects relating to transport. The pupil has to sort them by placing the things that travel in the air into the sky section of the screen; the things that travel on wheels have to be placed on the road section of the screen; the things that float have to be placed in the sea at the bottom of the screen.
This app from My First App, helps develop younger pupils’ skills in sorting, visual perception and fine motor skills as well as giving parents/teacher the opportunity for language development while children are working on the app.
The first two boards in the Sort It Out app are free. There are ten more sorting boards in the app that can be purchased within-app for €2.69. Two versions of the app, Sort It Out 1 and Sort It Out 2, are available for both iPhone and iPad on the iTunes Store. I can’t see the app available in the Android Market.