NanoWOWNanoscience is the simply the science of the VERY small. Nanoscience is an exciting new field within materials science and is explored throughout the NanoWOW pack. Designed for 5th and 6th class pupils the pack will introduce Irish Primary students to the world of nano and materials science. NanoWow is supported through funding by Science Foundation Ireland’s Education & Outreach programme.

The Nano WOW resource pack introduces Irish primary pupils to the world of nano and materials science. The pack has nine lessons in total and gives the children opportunities to work like scientists, through discussion, investigations and activities. The lessons in the pack are also designed to teach the children about science as a subject. The lessons promote science as a developmental, tentative subject while showing the children that science is a human endeavour and how we can learn from the history of science. Through research and investigations nanoscientists are actively trying to solve global issues, this teaches the children that science and society is linked.

The Nano Wow resource pack is a free resource for teachers and details on how to obtain a pack can be got by emailing: A couple of sample lessons can be viewed on the Nano WOW website HERE