The Explorers Education Programme is a free Marine Education Programme, which is funded by the Marine Institute. The Programme, which was been in existence since 2006, aims to integrate marine themes as closely as possible with lessons already taught in primary schools through the Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE) curriculum and other cross curricular subjects.
There is a wide variety of resources available on the Explorers website including lesson plans and worksheets on science, maths, history, geography, design and making, music and language. There is also information on organising seashore fieldwork including a Powerpoint presentation on seashore ecology, and quizzes. There are some nice resources in PDF format including an Explorer’s Activity Book, a Captain Cockle and the Rock Pool Colouring Book, a Secrets of Ireland’s Seas Book and a link to a YouTube four-part documentary on Explorers: A Deeper Understanding.
For teachers doing some work on the theme of the sea with their class, there are some nice resources on the Exporers website to have a look at.