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rds_psf_2016Last year over 2,700 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils from across the country were at the RDS Primary Science Fair (PSF) with their class projects that answered questions such as ‘Why don’t aeroplanes fall from the sky? ‘Why do giraffes have such long necks?’ and ‘Which water is cleaner for us to swim in, the River Liffey or the Royal Canal?

The call for Expressions of Interest for the RDS Primary Science Fair 2016 is now open and will close on Wednesday, 7th October. Each year the RDS Primary Science Fair gets bigger and better, with more and more schools looking for places. To cater for this, schools now have the opportunity to choose to exhibit their project at the RDS Primary Science Fair Dublin (Jan 7-9, 2016) or the RDS Primary Science Fair Limerick (Jan 15-16, 2016).

Pictured at the 2015 RDS Primary Science Fair was Ava Mulligan and Ava Fitzpatrick, Alexandra College Junior School, Dublin 6 with their project “Can solar panels (as a source of clean fuel) be used to power a vehicle?” Pic Orla Murray/ Ark Photography

Open to 4th, 5th, 6th class and Key Stage 2 classes, the Fair is not a competition – the emphasis is on pupils learning how to work scientifically and develop inquiry-based skills. Pupils work as a class under the supervision of their teacher on a project which should seek to pose and answer a question. The Fair also aims to support teachers to develop their confidence and skills in teaching STEM subjects using an inquiry-based approach. Teachers who have been involved in the Fair have found that it can also help pupils develop their literacy, oral language and numeracy skills.

Pictured at the 2015 RDS Primary Science Fair was Sarah Murtagh and Ben Hesnan from Scoil Phadraig, Milltown, Westmeath with their project “How clean are my gumshields?” Pic Orla Murray/ Ark Photography

Full details and the online Expression of Interest form are available at

Images © courtesy RDS Primary Science Fair