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Library-Ireland-Week-Logo-2012_1Next Monday, November 16th, marks the beginning of Library Ireland Week. The theme of the week this year is “A Library Holds a World of Ideas” – that libraries and books are a portal into a world of ideas and opportunities: a world of imagination and creativity, of study and travel, of new opportunities in all areas of life.

The week is an opportunity for teachers to focus on the positive benefits of libraries, be it the school library, class library or the local public library. In a world dominated by devices, especially mobile devices, there is still something special about discovering a book among a shelf of books. Perhaps we need to remind pupils that there is a world of imagination and information between a book in their local, school or class library.

Why not bring your pupils to your local library this week, or see if there are any special events to celebrate the week. Check out more information on the Library Ireland Week website