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The iMindMap Kids app is a free iPad app that allows pupils to create their own Mind Maps. Mind maps are a great way for pupils to organise their thoughts, summarise a topic or plan a project. They are also a great aid for pupils who are strong visual learners.

The iMindMap Kids app, geared towards younger pupils, is bright, colourful and engaging. The interface is quite easy to use with a short explanatory video if the pupil is unsure how to use it. Like most apps, the best way to find out the features of the app is to keep using it.

To start a Mind Map in the app, you choose an image for your central theme, and there are lots to choose from. You write the topic of your Mind Map on this image. From this central image, you can create fun and colourful branches in lots of shapes and styles. Text can then be added to the branches.

Images can also be added to the branches in three different ways: from a bank of fun emojis with which pupils will be familiar; from access to the Camera Roll of the device; from access to the device’s camera. Pupils can also draw their own image through the Drawing Tool within the app. The addition of these images will allow the Mind Maps to be personalised.

The completed Mind Maps are saved in the MindMap Gallery within the app, from where they can be further edited again and again. There are also options to save the Mind Map as an image to your device, or to shre the image via the usual Social Media platforms. For more information on sharing and printing your Mind Maps, read this article HERE There is also other information about other feature of the app HERE

There are features in this app that will immediately appeal to parents and schools: there are no in-app purchases or add-ons; there are no advertisements; there are no links to external websites or social media platforms; the developers do not store or have access to your images.

At the moment, this free app is only available on the iTunes Store for iPad. It requires iOS 8.0 or later. The app can be downloaded HERE