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In this book the author aims to give the reader insights into three revolutions in three different countries through three different characters. In my opinion she executes this in a manner King Louis 16th of France would be proud of!

In Boston in the 1780s there is Jack, eager to escape all of the fighting and the war. In Wexford 1798 there is Robert, determined to win his war and to prove his brothers wrong. While in Paris, in the 1790s we meet Catherine (my personal favourite) who, in an attempt to escape some family issues, dives right into the cause of the revolution.

What I really liked about the book was how the feelings of hope, sadness, joy, fear, desperation and courage run through all three stories.  I found myself cheering along for their individual causes.

I would heartily recommend this book for both boys and girls aged between ten and fourteen.

Though I really liked all three stories, my clear favourite was Catherine’s Paris story and I would love to see this story expanded into a book similar to Molly’s Diary (another Hands on History book).

I give this book 8/10.

By Clodagh, Rang VI, Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Co. Thiobraid Árann

Seeds of Liberty” by Claire Hennessy is published by Poolbeg Press and is now available to purchase for €8.99

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher, Poolbeg Pressfree of charge to Seomra Ranga for the purposes of this review