Stay at Home Quiz #2

Stay at Home Quiz #2

Today’s Stay-at-Home free Quiz has 20 questions which are all based on Ireland to mark St. Patrick’s Day. There are a range of questions, some easy, some a bit more challenging, but pupils should be capable of finding the answers online to any questions...
Stay at Home Quiz #1

Stay at Home Quiz #1

To mark the Stay-at-Home period during the current crisis over the next two weeks, we want to give pupils something practical to keep themselves occupied in a practical way. We will post a Free online quiz of 20 questions each day for pupils to find the answers to....
How to Wash Your Hands

How to Wash Your Hands

In the current climate, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus/Covid-19, we are being constantly reminded that one of the best ways to prevent the illness from spreading is by concentrating on washing hands. This FREE poster set, in both English and Gaeilge, consists of...
Coronavirus Glossary of Terms

Coronavirus Glossary of Terms

Pupils are undoubtedly hearing all about the outbreak of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 on all forms of media at the moment. However, there is a lot of jargon associated with the discussion which pupils may not understand. This presentation/display posters explains the most...
When to Wash Your Hands

When to Wash Your Hands

With the current emphasis on washing hands in light of the outbreak of the Corona Virus / Covid-19, this display resource (in English and Gaeilge) is aimed at reminding pupils when they need to wash their hands. There are seven posters in the pack as well as a summary...