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“A Saucer Full of Secrets” is quite a wonderful blend of Irish history and folklore, wrapped up in a fiction novel. The story line is full of magic and mystery. With many Irish words, it really gives the Irish feel. Our principal characters, Sedu and Alban seem capable, rough and ready adventurers. I found them enjoyable and funny main characters, however I especially enjoyed Bran, the giant four-legged sea monster who seems like a playful friend.

The storyline is engaging and I enjoyed the setting of Skellig Michíl and Kerry as I have visited there often and it seemed so familiar to me.

The story centers around the Tuath Dé, adding another reference to Ireland’s ancient history. When Sedu realises he is Tuath Dé, his life, and that of his friend Alban, couldn’t have changed more. With a stowaway trip to Skellig Michíl they find out more than they bargained for and soon find themselves on a magical journey with Finnegan the invisible flying horse.

I liked this book, in particular the characters and the story line. I found the characters funny and well rounded and as a lover of history, the setting of the story appealed to me too. It was easy to read and not too long. I would recommend this book from age 8 upwards. I would rate the book 5 stars out of 5.

By Éanna, 6th Class, Durrow National School, Co. Offaly.

A Saucer Full of Secrets” by Pam Henry, published by Currach Books, is on sale now for €12.99 (P/B).

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher, Currach Books, free of charge to Seomra Ranga for the purposes of this review