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Recently I read a book called One Stormy Night, the author’s name Is Alma Jordan. This story is about Kate and Peter Farrelly’s life at Hazel Tree Farm. Kate falls in love with the fluffy chicks on Cooper’s farm while Peter helps with the lambs. One day Peg the dog wasn’t herself so the veterinarian {who is Kate and Peter‘s mum} had to do a scan on her. They are all very anxious about her health?

It turns out Peg is going to have pups and when she disappears one stormy night, a nerve-wracking search takes place to try find her. You will need to read the book to find out what happens!

The Main Characters

Peter and Kate Farrelly are the main characters. Kate is seven and Peter is nine. They are both loving and caring children.

My Favourite Character

Kate is my favourite character because she is extremely caring and gentle to the chicks on Cooper’s farm. She is nice to her brother most of the time. She is very interesting. I think she would be a lovely friend to have.

My Favourite Part of the Book

My favourite part of the book is on a morning before the children went to school. Kate went into Peter’s bedroom and told him to get up or they will be late for school. Peter refused so Kate pulled him off the bed and he landed on the ground in a heap. I laughed a lot while reading this.

Things I liked/Disliked

I liked the way all the characters in the book are from Ireland and it is based on a farm in Ireland. I found it easy to make connections to people and parts in this story. I think it is nice the way Alma based the story on the farm she grew up on.

Star Rating

I would give this book a 10-star rating. I would definitely recommend you to read it.

Age Group

This book is for 10 year olds and over.

By Ciara (11), Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

“One Stormy Night” by Alma Jordan, published by O’Brien Press, is a World Book Day 2023 book and is on sale now for €1.50 (P/B).

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher, O’Brien Press, free of charge to Seomra Ranga for the purposes of this review