The Teaching Council (An Chomhairle Mhúinteoireachta) has recently drafted a Policy Paper on the Continuum of Teacher Education, which will provide the framework within which it will implement its functions relating to teacher education. The draft policy paper deals with the background of the Continuum of Teacher Education, Initial Teacher Education, Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of qualified teachers. The Council now wishes to get the views, comments and suggestions of teachers on this important document. The deadline for receipt of submissions is 1 March 2011.
I have copied the text of the draft policy, which is only 20 pages long, into Wordle which has produced a Word Cloud of the most common words and phrases used in the document. This word cloud allows teachers to look at the document in a different light and shows the important themes running through the draft document. This Wordle can be viewed in full HERE.
Teachers may also be interested in joining in a lively debate on the Education Posts Forum on the Draft Policy on the Continuum of Teacher Education which is running at the moment.
I would also like to remind teachers that Áine Lawlor, Director of the Teaching Council, has agreed to answer questions about the work of the Council from visitors to Seomra Ranga. If you have a question that you would like to put to Áine, which must be non-specific in nature, please add it to the Seomra Ranga Facebook page, the Seomra Ranga Twitter page, or add a comment to this Blog Post.