Hóra a Pháid – Ceacht 33: Ag Iascaireacht; cuid de chúrsa comhrá Gaeilge le haghaidh Rang I, á chur le chéile ag an Roinn Oideachais blianta ó shin. Obair digiteach déanta ag Seomra Ranga i mbliana. B’fhéidir go bhfuil cuid den acmhainn seo “as dáta”, ach bain úsáid as in aon slí más mian leat.
View more presentations from Seomra Ranga on Slideshare.
It is great to see the old filmstrips digitised and up on the web for everyone to access as they see fit. Even though I retired 2007, just looking at them brings back all sorts of happy memories of using the filmstrips as they were a great help to bring History alive for the pupils we taught. Well done Seomra Ranga for the fantastic and I’m sure tiring work you have done with the old filmstrips. I hope teachers out there appreciate the efforts.