Counting Snowballs

Counting Snowballs

Focusing on the numbers 0-10, this snow-themed numeracy resource can be used to help younger pupils to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of basic number. Pupils have to count the number of snowballs on each card and attach the correct number in the blank...
Mata Focal: Sneachta

Mata Focal: Sneachta

Sa chomhad seo tá foclóir ag baint leis an téama “Sneachta” ar aon bhileog amháin. Bheadh sé oiriúnach do dhaltaí a bhéas ag déanamh scríbhneoireacht cruthaitheach sa seomra ranga nó ag déanamh saorscríbhneoireacht faoin téama “Sneachta” nó “An...
New Year Colouring

New Year Colouring

At the start of the new term, and the New Year, this Free resource might be a nice way to ease pupils gently back into school and work mode. There are twelve pages of blackline images with a New Year theme for pupils to colour in. Some pages are easier and some a bit...