Hexagonal Design

Hexagonal Design

This Visual Arts lesson can be integrated with work on 2D shapes in maths. It can be completed in any medium – paint, watercolour, crayon, markers, chalk or oil pastels etc. The same method can also be used for almost any other 2D shapes also. Its focus is on use of...


This resource is aimed at pupils in junior/middle classes who are learning the names of colours as Gaeilge. They are printed two crayons per A4 page and the word label is in all lower case letters. 17 colour crayons are included in the display pack which contains all...
French Vocabulary

French Vocabulary

With the Rugby World Cup currently taking place in France, this might be an opportune time to look at French vocabulary which is commonly used in the English language. Pupils might be somewhat surprised to discover that many words that we commonly use in everyday...
Initial Art

Initial Art

This Visual Art lesson using either paint or colours (crayons, pastels etc.) is a suitable lesson for the beginning of the year. Aimed at pupils in middle/senior classes, the lesson gets pupils to visually represent the initial of their first or second name on a grid....
Rugby World Cup 2023 Table Quiz

Rugby World Cup 2023 Table Quiz

Rugby World Cup 2023 begins in France this weekend so it is a great time to mark the tournament over the next seven weeks with a Table Quiz. This resource comprises eight rounds of six questions, a Tie-Break round, Rugby Jokes between rounds and answers to all...