Improvisations for Drama

Improvisations for Drama

This set of cards aimed at pupils in middle and senior classes can be used for developing improvisation for a drama lesson. The topic on the card should suggest to the group of pupils the scenario for the improvisation. The rest of the class acts as the audience....
Book Review – Children of Croke Park

Book Review – Children of Croke Park

This is a very good book which we both enjoyed. The main 3 boys in the book were Perry, Jerry and Billy. Reading about them gave us a very good understanding of their families and the places that they lived in. Some of the descriptions in the book were really good,...
Tasc-Chártaí – Cum Ceist

Tasc-Chártaí – Cum Ceist

This new set of Tasc-Chártaí as Gaeilge is aimed at pupils in middle/senior classes. The cards are intended to be used as a fun game/task to revise pupils’ knowledge of asking questions as Gaeilge. There are 50 cards in the pack, four per A4 page. The sentences on the...
Book Review – Take the Lead

Book Review – Take the Lead

This is a fantastic book for anyone with a dog or even thinking about getting one. It has lots of great points which are clearly laid out in each chapter. The illustrations and photographs are super too. It really helps you to know how and what your dog is thinking....