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Apps For Working With Words

Apps For Working With Words

Last night, I presented at the CESI (Computers in Education Society of Ireland) TeachMeet online via Zoom. A TeachMeet is like an informal conference where people give short presentations of between 2-7 minutes. This resource is the presentation I delivered on mobile...
Aip A hAon, a Dó, a Trí

Aip A hAon, a Dó, a Trí

Tá sé ráite go minic gurb é an bealach is éasca teanga a fhoghlaim ná tríd amhráin. Ar an dóigh sin, tá aip úrnua cruthaithe ag Conradh na Gaeilge Charn Tóchair, le beochana de rainn agus amhráin do pháistí. Tá dearadh simplí ar an aip agus tá 10 amhrán agus rann...
Using GarageBand to Create a Podcast

Using GarageBand to Create a Podcast

This demonstration video shows how easy it is to create a podcast using the GarageBand app on the iPad. Recording a voice podcast is really easy to do and has many educational applications, especially now in this period of home/remote learning. Recording podcasts can...
iMindMap Kids App

iMindMap Kids App

The iMindMap Kids app is a free iPad app that allows pupils to create their own Mind Maps. Mind maps are a great way for pupils to organise their thoughts, summarise a topic or plan a project. They are also a great aid for pupils who are strong visual learners. The...
Cut the Buttons App

Cut the Buttons App

At its heart, the “Cut the Buttons” app is very simple. However, it’s this simplicity which has allowed it to be acknowledged by specialists as a great addition to fine motor skills training, especially for younger pupils or for pupils who find this...
My First Classical Music App

My First Classical Music App

The “My First Classical Music” app comes from Naxos, the well-known brand specialising in classical music. Really good apps for the teaching of music can be hard to come by, but this one really fits the bill! In the app, the pupil can read about classical...