Spring Flickr Lunes

Spring Flickr Lunes

Some time ago, I became aware of an iPod app through Twitter (through Mary Farmer who will be attending this year’s CESI National Conference) called Flickr Lunes. The app is an undeveloped app with loads of potential, created by John Johnston. It’s a really simple app...
Flickr Lunes Using iPod Touches

Flickr Lunes Using iPod Touches

Writing some poetry was a theme in our English work during the past couple of weeks with my class of seven, eight and nine year olds. We had written some cinquains and octopoems to a greater or lesser degree of success. Co-incidentally, at the same time I read a blog...
iPod Apps in the Classroom

iPod Apps in the Classroom

  Two weeks back at school and everyone is back into the routine again. I’ve kept on my last year’s Rang II and have nine new additions to make a RangII/III split class. Of course one of the first things they were delighted to be back in school about was the use of...