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Dates For Your Diary For the New School Year

Dates For Your Diary For the New School Year

Now in its seventh consecutive year, this hugely popular post is back again. So many teachers make use of this list while they are making plans for seasonal and related activities in the classroom during the school year. Huge thanks again to Ciara Reilly...
Guest Post – School/Class Radio Station

Guest Post – School/Class Radio Station

School Radio. How did we get the idea is something that I am often asked. Since 2009, I had been doing short podcasts with book and movie reviews with my classes. Sometimes, we would speculate where a book was going and record a podcast, then read the rest of the...
Dates For Your Diary For the New School Year

Dates For Your Diary For the New School Year

Now in its sixth consecutive year, this hugely popular post is back again. So many teachers make use of this list while they are making plans for seasonal and related activities in the classroom during the school year. Many thanks again to Ciara Reilly (@PrimEdTeacher...
Dates For Your Diary for the New School Year

Dates For Your Diary for the New School Year

This ever popular post is back for the fifth year, thanks again to Ciara Reilly (@PrimEdTeacher on Twitter) for compiling it. It is an annual list of dates to keep in mind when doing lesson planning for the forthcoming school year. It also includes dates of...
Dates For Your Diary For The New School Year

Dates For Your Diary For The New School Year

Thanks again to Ciara Brennan (@PrimEdTeacher on Twitter) for compiling this great 4th annual list of dates to keep in mind when doing lesson planning for the forthcoming school year. Save the dates in your school diary for the forthcoming school year. All of these...
Guest Post: DabbleDoo Primary Music Resource

Guest Post: DabbleDoo Primary Music Resource

A New Method For Music Education In 2008 I created a new system of music notation as part of a Masters in Music and Media Technology in Trinity College Dublin. My aim was to create a type of musical notation that could be used and understood by everyone, regardless of...