Logainm Primary Resource

Logainm Primary Resource

I’ve previously written a blog post about the Logainm Website, which is the national database for the placenames of Ireland. It’s an invaluable resource for research on the placenames of your locality or the locality of your school. The team at Logainm have now...
Know The Romans

Know The Romans

For any teacher looking at teaching about the Romans under the “Early Peoples and Ancient Societies” Strand Unit of the SESE History curriculum, you would be well advised to visit the Know The Romans website. This website is a “one-stop-shop” for everything about the...
Eco Game for Each Month of the Year

Eco Game for Each Month of the Year

Many teachers will be well aware of the great classroom resources available on the Ask About Ireland website, especially resources for the SESE areas of the curriculum – history, geography and science. However I only recently stumbled across this section of the Ask...