Signs of Autumn 2014 Twitter Project

Signs of Autumn 2014 Twitter Project

After what has  been an exceptionally mild September, the days are gradually closing in and the autumn weather is making its presence felt. That can only mean that it’s time for the “Signs of Autumn 2014 Twitter Project”. This will be the third autumn Twitter project...
Tree Day 2014

Tree Day 2014

The Tree Council of Ireland, supported by Tetra Pak, is calling on primary schools around Ireland to plant a tree to mark Tree Day 2014 on Thursday 9th October. As part of this year’s campaign, themed ‘What Can We Learn About Trees?’ or ‘Cad Is Féidir Linn A Fhoghlaim...
RDS Primary Science Fair 2015

RDS Primary Science Fair 2015

Can we drop an egg from a height and not let it break? This was just one of the questions investigated by primary school pupils at the RDS Primary Science Fair last year. This year’s event takes place in January alongside the BT Young Scientist & Technology...
GAA Launch New Teacher Resources

GAA Launch New Teacher Resources

The GAA has launched a number of resources for Primary School Teachers and Coaches. PE Céim ar Aghaidh is a Teaching Resource book designed to assist Primary School Teachers to deliver the Physical Educational curriculum through Gaelic games activities. It is the most...