The Magnificent Mind of Daisy Dunne

The Magnificent Mind of Daisy Dunne

Daisy is gifted. When she was 5, she drew a map of the world on the kitchen wall. By the age of 8, she took her fathers car apart and put it back together again. By the time she was 12, she was studying Science and Mathematics at university. With each birthday, Daisy...
Drama Quotes

Drama Quotes

Many teachers are reticent when it comes to the teaching of drama in the classroom so here are some words of wisdom from some experts in educational drama: “Since creative drama involves an entire class, the best place to begin in preparing students for...
The Class Novel

The Class Novel

The Seomra Ranga website has lots of resources for teachers when working with a novel in the classroom. These resources can be viewed HERE. More resources for the class novel are planned for the future and will appear on that page of the website. The following is a...

Special Education Links

Seomra Ranga has included links to Special Education websites on the internet for some time. On this new site, they are included in the “Links” section at the top of the page. However, just to remind everyone of the extent of these links, I’m...
It’s Called Dyslexia

It’s Called Dyslexia

“It’s Called Dyslexia” is a new book recently published by Irish publisher O’ Brien Press. It’s written by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos, and was originally published in Barcelona, Spain. The colourful book is told from the point of view of the...
The Resolving Books Series

The Resolving Books Series

Just published in the last two weeks is a set of three books entitled the “Resolving Books Series”. There are initially three books in the series with plans for more in the near future. The books are co-authored by Fiona Mc Auslan and Peter Nicholson and...