Saol Faoi Shráid

Saol Faoi Shráid

“Saol Faoi Shráid” is an animated children’s TV series created by TV production company Meangadh Fíbín for TG4. It is broadcast every weekday on TG4’s young people’s slot Cúla 4 and some of the series is also available to view at any time on the TG4 Player at...
CESI Annual Conference 2016

CESI Annual Conference 2016

It’s that time of year again when anticipation in educational technology circles in Ireland is building towards the annual conference of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) which will be held on Saturday February 27th. The theme of this year’s...
Library Ireland Week

Library Ireland Week

Next Monday, November 16th, marks the beginning of Library Ireland Week. The theme of the week this year is “A Library Holds a World of Ideas” – that libraries and books are a portal into a world of ideas and opportunities: a world of imagination and creativity, of...


Like many good ideas nowadays that have their genesis on social media, this idea began with a conversation on Twitter. Ciara Brennan (@PrimEdTeacher), a teacher in St. Peter’s Primary School, Bray, Co. Wicklow, was suggesting a common hashtag for schools to share all...
Volunteering With Global Schoolroom

Volunteering With Global Schoolroom

Global Schoolroom is an  NGO that currently runs teacher training programmes in a remote region in NE India with the aim of improving education standards through a mutually beneficial scheme. Global Schoolroom recruits Irish teachers on a voluntary basis from...
Signs of Autumn 2015 Twitter Project

Signs of Autumn 2015 Twitter Project

After what has been an exceptionally mild September, the days are gradually closing in, October has arrived and the autumn weather is making its presence felt. That can only mean that it’s time for the “Signs of Autumn 2015 Twitter Project”. This will be the...