Twitter Art Project 2011

Twitter Art Project 2011

Fancy becoming involved in a Digital Art Project using digital art programmes and Twitter? We’re looking for schools to join us in creating some works of art using digital media. The project will be completed over the next couple of weeks before Easter. Thanks...
Tweets and Sweets Linking Two Continents

Tweets and Sweets Linking Two Continents

I have been using Twitter in the classroom ( @mrquinnsclass) for almost a year now. Although I had been using it personally ( @seomraranga) for a year previously, I wasn’t quite sure how I would use it in a meaningful sense in the classroom. However, a year down...
Using Twitter in the Classroom

Using Twitter in the Classroom

    I started using Twitter in my classroom ( @mrquinnsclass )with my 1st and 2nd class during the final term of the last school year. I was encouraged to start because a number of schools throughout the country were coming together for a Twitter project. Organised by...

iPods and iPads Helping Autistic Pupils

Thanks to Joe Dale on Twitter for alerting me to this video from USA showing how one school is reporting success using iPods and iPads with autistic pupils in school. How IPODS & IPADS Help Autistic Kids :… RegisterThis content is for members...
Spring Flickr Lunes

Spring Flickr Lunes

Some time ago, I became aware of an iPod app through Twitter (through Mary Farmer who will be attending this year’s CESI National Conference) called Flickr Lunes. The app is an undeveloped app with loads of potential, created by John Johnston. It’s a...