Fair Testing

Fair Testing

This newly updated resource for Science Week is aimed at focusing the pupils on the idea of “Fair Testing” and what it means in a scientific sense. The series of 17 posters outlines the steps to be taken in order to ensure that fair tests are conducted in...
Science Equipment

Science Equipment

This resource consists of a set of 18 A4 sized posters to create a display of Science Equipment, just in time for Science Week. Each poster has a science-themed colourful border, an image of the piece of equipment and a word label at the bottom of the page. Equipment...
Matchstick Picture

Matchstick Picture

This Visual Arts lesson gives an example of how matchsticks can be used for representational art. Pupils may not have had much experience of using matchsticks as a medium for art so this will be a new experience for many. The matchsticks are used to create a picture...
Mata Focal Oíche Shamhna

Mata Focal Oíche Shamhna

Sa chomhad seo tá foclóir ag baint leis an bhféasta “Oíche Shamhna”. Bheadh sé oiriúnach do dhaltaí a bhéas ag déanamh scríbhneoireacht cruthaitheach sa seomra ranga nó ag déanamh saorscríbhneoireacht. Cuideoidh sé freisin le teanga ó bhéal, agus na daltaí ag déanamh...
Hallowe’en Silhouette

Hallowe’en Silhouette

This spooky Hallowe’en-themed Visual Arts lesson is a perfect way to celebrate the season of Hallowe’en and decorate your classroom in style! Suitable for pupils in middle and senior classes, the picture is done in two stages – creating the...
Paper Weaving

Paper Weaving

Although this lesson is called “Paper Weaving”, it is much easier to do the weaving if it is done with card. This activity can be a little “fiddly”, so it may be better to do it with pupils in middle/senior classes. This lesson could be done as part of the...