Peg Which Is The Largest 06

Peg Which Is The Largest 06

This resource is aimed at pupils in middle classes or SEN pupils. It is based on reinforcing the concept of hundreds, tens and units. The pack contains 20 cards: on the right hand side of each card are four numbers – the hundreds and tens are the same, only the...
Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916

Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916

Seo cur i láthair Powerpoint faoi imeachtaí a thárla i rith Seachtain na Cásca 1916. Tá eolas ann faoi imeachtai roimh 1916; an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda; eagraíochtaí a bhí páirteach; ceannairí a bhí páirteach; na daoine a cuireadh chun báis; tionchar agus éifeacht an...
100 Square Puzzle 03

100 Square Puzzle 03

This resource is designed to give pupils practice in knowing their way around a 100 square. For pupils working on HTU, this hundred square represents numbers from 201 to 300. There are five puzzles in this pack. In each 100 Square, 15 numbers have been removed and...
Peg Which Is The Smallest 05

Peg Which Is The Smallest 05

This resource is aimed at pupils in middle classes or SEN pupils. It is based on reinforcing the concept of hundreds, tens and units. The pack contains 20 cards: on the right hand side of each card are four numbers – the hundreds and units are the same, only the tens...
Election Phrases Word Mat

Election Phrases Word Mat

This word mat contains thirty-two common phrases that are likely to be heard in the media and social media during the course of an election, perhaps especially during a general election. This word mat encourages pupils to find out the meaning behind each of the...
Political Parties

Political Parties

With the country in election mode and talk of the election all around, it gives teachers the perfect opportunity to teach about politics and the election process through the “Developing Citizenship” Strand of the SPHE curriculum. This resource consists of...