Visual Art Elements

Visual Art Elements

This set of ten different Visual Arts display posters introduces pupils to vocabulary needed to discuss a piece of art that they have created or a piece created by someone else. Its aim is to create an awareness of these terms which are commonly used in the artistic...
Cluiche Boird

Cluiche Boird

This resource consists of 40 colourful posters as Gaeilge on the theme of playing a board game in the classroom. Its aim is to provide pupils with the vocabulary necessary to play a board game through the medium of Gaeilge and to support natural conversation phrases...
Tissue Paper Weaving

Tissue Paper Weaving

This Tissue paper Weaving lesson can be a little “fiddly”, so it may be better to do it with pupils in middle/senior classes. However, the finished product in this lesson creates some really nice effects when displayed. This lesson could be done as part of the...
Place Value Tens and Units Ice-Cream Puzzles

Place Value Tens and Units Ice-Cream Puzzles

This set of five Maths Puzzle games with an ice-cream theme focuses on numbers in the range 0-99. There is a puzzle for each number in this range. The puzzles are aimed at helping to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of place value (tens and units) in a fun, game-based...
Place Value Tens and Units Puzzles

Place Value Tens and Units Puzzles

This set of Maths Puzzle games focuses on numbers in the range 0-99. They are aimed at helping to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of place value (tens and units) in a fun, game-based way. They are really suitable for group work or for use in a numeracy table...