Elements of a Novel

Elements of a Novel

This poster resource consists of twelve posters to assist the teacher when studying a novel in the classroom. Its aim is to make pupils aware of the different elements that make up the structure of a novel and that most or all of these elements are usually be present...
Ceisteanna sa Rang

Ceisteanna sa Rang

This display resource consists of 13 posters in a speech bubble format, containing questions that the teacher will want to encourage the pupils to use during the course of daily work in the classroom. The aim is to get pupils to communicate with the teacher as Gaeilge...
Two Words Drama Game

Two Words Drama Game

This set of Drama Task Cards could be used with any age group of pupils. The cards are intended to be used as a fun warm-up game for a drama lesson. There are 50 cards in the pack, four per A4 page. The game should be played in an open space in the classroom,...
Pass the Whisper Drama Game

Pass the Whisper Drama Game

This set of Drama Task Cards is especially suited to an older group of pupils. The cards are intended to be used as a fun warm-up game for a drama lesson. There are 50 cards in the pack, four per A4 page. The game could be played in an open space in the classroom,...
Mata Focal – Téacschaint

Mata Focal – Téacschaint

This resource contains two word mats giving explanations for common text-speak abbreviations as Gaeilge. Pupils could find these fun and useful to create text conversations as Gaeilge as part of a piece of creative writing getting two characters from a story to text...
One Less One More

One Less One More

This set of five worksheets is aimed at pupils doing some number work on the 100 Square. Using their knowledge of the 100 Square, pupils are asked to write both the number before and the number after each of the random numbers on the worksheet. The worksheets could be...