Alliteration Posters

Alliteration Posters

In this, the sixth resource in our “Figures of Speech” poster series, the focus is on Alliteration. Alliteration is a Figure of Speech which is commonly used in creative writing, especially poetry. This pack contains sixteen posters illustrating some examples of...
Na Briathra Neamhrialta

Na Briathra Neamhrialta

This resource pack is to assist with the teaching of na Briathra Neamhrialta. It contains eleven files with 153 pages of resources. It includes display resources as well as handouts and assessments for pupils. There are posters of the verbs in all three tenses,...
St. Patrick’s Day Word Mat

St. Patrick’s Day Word Mat

This Word Mat contains vocabulary associated with the feast of St. Patrick. The vocabulary is all contained on one single sheet so it would be useful to be used as a handout for pupils or to display on IWB. It would be suitable to be used for doing creative writing...


This resource contains a selection of posters to explain in simple terms the meaning behind the season of Lent.There are thirteen posters in the file to print out and display. The resource also explains the meaning behind Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday....