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W. B. Yeats

W. B. Yeats

Yeats Day is celebrated annually in Sligo and around the world on the date of his birthday, June 13th. This resource gives pupils an overview on the life and work of this Irish Nobel poet, W. B. Yeats. Comprising of 34 pages, it details his life from his early...
The Writing Poetry Pack

The Writing Poetry Pack

This new resource pack is intended to support a unit of work on Writing Poetry in middle and senior classes. It contains 20 different types of poetry to write with 100 pages of resource material. The pack contains an explanation of each type of poem, a sample poem,...
Fat Old Witch

Fat Old Witch

“Fat Old Witch” is a Hallowe’en-themed poem by Leland Jacobs on one Powerpoint slide. Suitable for junior classes. Source: Anna Uí Fhaoileáin (.ppt file 77.5KB) Download File… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...
Mother Goose Time

Mother Goose Time

I accidentally came across this book of rhymes on the internet while looking for something else. There are 24 pages of rhymes, songs, nursery rhymes, hello and goodbye rhymes, fingerplays, action rhymes and lap rhymes. It comes from the Henrico County Public Libraries...

Frog Poems

Two poems to integrate with a Spring theme on “The Frog” – “Frogs at School” and “Froganna”. (.doc file 28KB) Download File… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...