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Missing Letters Game

Missing Letters Game

This PPTX fun language/spelling game is aimed at pupils in middle and senior classes. Pupils are given a short clue for the word. They are also shown the first and last letter of the word and how many letters are in the word. The pupil has to use the clues to solve...
Spelling Signs

Spelling Signs

This set of spelling signs is designed to assist pupils with one strategy that they can employ when learning spellings. It consists of five rectangular signs that follow the Look – Say – Cover – Write – Check strategy. Each sign also contains a...
Dolch Spelling Activities

Dolch Spelling Activities

These spelling activities are based on the Dolch Words Lists. Each set focuses on the spelling of the 20 words in the list. All of the letters are provided and the pupil has to select the correct letters to spell the word. Dolch words are a list of 220 “service words”...
Noun or Verb?

Noun or Verb?

Is it a noun or is it a verb? Do I spell it with a “C” or with an “S”? Most adults won’t be able to tell you the answer. This resource focuses on the words advice/advise, licence/license, practice/practise and prophecy/prophesy. It...
Spelling Strips 5 – 01

Spelling Strips 5 – 01

This resource is aimed at pupils in first to third classes or SEN pupils on the road to learning to spell. These spelling strips are made up of words of five letters. There are twelve spellings in the set. There are a number of ways to use the resource. There is a set...

Blank Spelling Checklist

Template for a class spelling list for a week. The template encourages the spelling rule of “Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check”. It also encourages the pupils to attempt the spellings they are learning daily. (.docx file 16.9KB) Download File…...