Bláthanna an Earraigh

Bláthanna an Earraigh

With the beginning of the season of Spring, teachers in junior classes especially will be discussing the theme of Spring with their pupils. This pack of 13 display photo posters as Gaeilge is aimed at showing pupils the range of flowers to look out for during...
Mata Focal – Teicneolaíocht

Mata Focal – Teicneolaíocht

Sa chomhad seo tá foclóir ag baint leis an téama “Teicneolaíocht”. Bheadh sé oiriúnach do dhaltaí a bhéas ag déanamh scríbhneoireacht cruthaitheach sa seomra ranga nó ag déanamh saorscríbhneoireacht. Cuideoidh sé freisin le teanga ó bhéal, agus na daltaí ag déanamh...
Ag Múineadh Briathra

Ag Múineadh Briathra

This pack contains resources that I use to teach verbs in a structured, logical sequence in order to assist pupils to build up a bank of 52 briathra san Aimsir Chaite and 52 ainm briathartha. This is a 10-week programme which includes assessments and domino games to...
Domanónna: Siopaí

Domanónna: Siopaí

This Gaeilge domino game resource is aimed at assisting pupils in middle/senior classes in consolidating their knowledge of the names of 45 different siopaí. There are 46 domino cards in the pack with three printed on each A4 page. Domino games have many benefits for...