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Ar An mBóthar Le Mavis Agus Marge

Ar An mBóthar Le Mavis Agus Marge

Walker Éireann, an imprint of Walker Books, has recently teamed up with Foras na Gaeilge to bring readers another four of their best picture books created by well-known book makers, in Irish. The first of these is “Ar An mBóthar Le Mavis Agus Marge” (On...
Léirmheas: Ailfí agus an Vaimpír

Léirmheas: Ailfí agus an Vaimpír

Is buachaill óg é Ailfí. Oibríonn a athair sa phictiúrlann agus tá a mháthair i dteach altranais , an-thinn. Is í Lindsí feiglhí an tí agus tugann sí aire do Ailfí. Tagann Ailfí ar Mharius sa scioból don chéad uair agus faigheann sé amach gur vaimpír é. Tá Ailfí chun...
Ar Strae Beagán

Ar Strae Beagán

Walker Éireann, an imprint of Walker Books, has recently teamed up with Foras na Gaeilge to bring readers four of their best picture books created by some of Ireland’s foremost book makers, in Irish. This book is called Ar Strae Beagán (A Bit Lost) by Chris Haughton....
Ullchabháin Óga

Ullchabháin Óga

Walker Éireann, an imprint of Walker Books, has recently teamed up with Foras na Gaeilge to bring readers four of their best picture books created by some of Ireland’s foremost book makers, in Irish. This book is called Ullchabháin Óga (Owl Babies) by Martin Waddell....
Stiúcaí Stiúgtha

Stiúcaí Stiúgtha

Walker Éireann, an imprint of Walker Books, has recently teamed up with Foras na Gaeilge to bring readers four of their best picture books created by some of Ireland’s foremost book makers, in Irish. The first of these is Stiúcaí Stiúgtha (The Ravenous Beast) by Niamh...