Common Numbers

Common numbers that pupils need to know e.g. number of weeks in the year, number in a dozen, number of degrees in a right angle  etc (.doc file 51KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Maths Language

An example of maths language to be used in school – adapt the resource to bring continuity to the maths language used in your school. This should also be photocopied and sent home to parents to ensure that they mirror what is being taught at school when helping their...

Shape Rhymes

Rhymes to help with the teaching of 2-D shapes in junior classes. (.doc file 32.5KB) Source: Bríd Uí Mhaoluala Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Telling the Time 01

Handout with clock face showing the times: o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. (.doc file 35.5KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...