by admin | Feb 7, 2025 | 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Geography, Photo Packs
This photo pack is aimed at making pupils aware of the variety of types of weather that can occur. The pack consists of 20 different photo posters of types of weather using high quality photos which would make a great display in the classroom or school corridor. Each...
by admin | Feb 7, 2025 | 1st/2nd, Geography, Infants, Photo Packs
This photo pack is aimed at making pupils aware of the variety of types of weather that can occur. The pack consists of 20 different photo posters of types of weather using high quality photos which would make a great display in the classroom or school corridor. Each...
by admin | Nov 2, 2022 | 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Geography
As the Soccer World Cup approaches, it might be an opportune time to teach pupils a little about the country of Qatar, the location for the month long competition. Part of the forthcoming World Cup Resource Pack, this 29-poster resource may provide pupils with a...
by admin | Jun 12, 2022 | 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Geography
This game-based resource can be used to help pupils to consolidate their knowledge of capital cities of the European Union. The names of all 27 EU capital cities are included as well as 27 cities that are not EU capitals. Pupils have a natural affinity for games-based...
by admin | May 30, 2022 | 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Geography
This game-based resource can be used to help pupils to consolidate their knowledge of countries that are members of the European Union. The names of all 27 countries of the EU are included as well as 27 countries that are not members of the EU. Pupils have a natural...
by admin | May 29, 2022 | 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Geography
This game-based resource can be used to help pupils to consolidate their knowledge of countries of the European Union and their flags. All 27 countries of the EU are included, along with their flags, with four country/flag cards on each page. Pupils have a natural...