1958 Newspaper Advertisements

This is a Powerpoint presentation looking at newspaper advertisements from Irish newspapers in 1958. It could be used for the media education strand in SPHE. It could also be used as a discussion starter to compare life in Ireland fifty years ago with life today,...

Newspaper Advertisements from the Past

This is a Powerpoint presentation looking at newspaper advertisements from Irish newspapers in the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. It could be used for the media education strand in SPHE. It could also be used as a discussion starter to compare life in Ireland years ago...

Round Towers

Photographs of a round tower and other ancient Irish monuments. (.pdf file 2.06MB) Source: Neil Mc Dermott Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Ancient Egypt

A series of photographs and pictures to help with the teaching of Ancient Egypt. (.pf file 2.06MB) Source: Neil Mc Dermott Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...


A comprehension exercise about the work of archaeology and archaeologists. (.doc file 5.69MB) Source: Anonymous Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

The Normans

A series of photographs and pictures to help with the teaching of the Normans in history. (.pdf file 206KB) Source: Neil Mc Dermott Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...