Materials Bingo

Materials Bingo

Educational bingo games are a great way for pupils to learn so many different skills. They help with listening skills, visual discrimination, group work, turn taking and the reinforcement of the learning content of that particular bingo game. This bingo game focuses...
Titanic Vocabulary

Titanic Vocabulary

For any class doing some work on the Titanic for History or English, these flashcards would be great for a Titanic display. They contain most of the relevant vocabulary associated with the sinking of the Titanic. (.pdf file 171 KB) Download File… RegisterThis...
An tAontas Eorpach

An tAontas Eorpach

Seo mata focal le hainmneacha na tíortha atá mar bhall san Aontach Eorpach ar aon bhileog amháin. Tá siad liosta in ord aibítre. Tá an siombal € tar éis na tíortha atá mar bhall den Eurozone freisin. Tá alt ar an mata focal freisin faoi míniú brat an AE. (Comhad .pdf...
EU Bookmarks

EU Bookmarks

This bookmarks contain the names of all 28 countries in the European Union to assist pupils when they are learning about the EU. They are listed alphabetically for easy learning. (.pdf file 205 KB) Download File… RegisterThis content is for members only Already...
Sorting Electricity

Sorting Electricity

This resource is aimed at pupils in junior classes or pupils with speech and language difficulties. Categorisation is an important skill for younger/SEN pupils to develop. This resource aims to develop categorisation skills as well as to encourage and develop oral...
Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916

Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916

Seo cur i láthair Powerpoint faoi imeachtaí a thárla i rith Seachtain na Cásca 1916. Tá eolas ann faoi imeachtai roimh 1916; an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda; eagraíochtaí a bhí páirteach; ceannairí a bhí páirteach; na daoine a cuireadh chun báis; tionchar agus éifeacht an...