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New Year Acts of Kindness

New Year Acts of Kindness

This set of A4 posters is designed to encourage pupils to perform practical acts of kindness in the classroom/school as they start into a new calendar year. The pack contains 28 posters in all, encouraging pupils to: Give a compliment to a classmate; Hold a door open...
Cúram Gréine

Cúram Gréine

This resource consists of twelve photo posters as Gaeilge on the theme of keeping safe in the sun as the summer approaches. Its aim is to provoke talk and discussion amongst pupils about the strategies which will keep them safe whilst enjoying the summer sun. Each...
Referendum 2024 Pupil Booklet

Referendum 2024 Pupil Booklet

With voting on two different referendums coming on March 8th, it’s an opportune time to teach pupils about aspects of democracy and the democratic process. This eight-page booklet, in both English and Gaeilge, has different sections for pupils to complete and...
Referendums 2024

Referendums 2024

The government is holding two referendums on March 8th to make changes to the Irish Constitution in relation to the concept of family and to care provided by family members. This 25-page poster display resource is designed to assist in explaining both of these...
Be Sun Smart Photo Pack

Be Sun Smart Photo Pack

This resource consists of eleven photo posters on the theme of keeping safe in the sun as the summer approaches. Its aim is to provoke talk and discussion amongst junior pupils about the strategies which will keep them safe whilst enjoying the summer sun. Each poster...