Hygiene Posters

Hygiene Posters

With the current talk being all about the Corona Virus / Covid-19, there is a growing emphasis on our hygiene practices and the part that we all have to play in the prevention of the spreading of the virus. This pack contains nine visual posters (in both English and...
Human Development

Human Development

This display resource is aimed at pupils in middle and senior classes. It can be used to help teach the RSE (Relationships and Sexuality Education) section of the SPHE curriculum dealing with new life. It consists of thirty one display posters, including images and...
Blasphemy Referendum

Blasphemy Referendum

The government is holding a referendum on the removal of the reference to Blasphemy from the Constitution this Friday, October 26th. This display resource is designed to assist in explaining this referendum to pupils in senior classes. The resource explains the...
Hair Facts

Hair Facts

This resource contains 35 different facts about hair that pupils might like to learn or find interesting. It should form a colourful, informative and interesting display in the classroom. It includes facts like: It takes about 7 years to grow your hair to your waist;...
What Is The ‘Flu?

What Is The ‘Flu?

With the ‘Flu virus being prominent in the news at the moment, it might be an opportune time to do a lesson with pupils about the ‘flu so that they can be better informed about it. This Powerpoint presentation gives lots of information about the ‘Flu virus. It...