List of Councils

A list of all the different Local Authorities in Ireland, including city councils, county councils, borough councils and town councils. (.doc file 37.5KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Election Debate 03

Does casting your vote in an election really matter? Use this worksheet to start the debate in the classroom. (.doc file 27KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Election Debate 02

Does doorstep canvassing really have any influence on the voter? Use this worksheet to start the debate in the classroom. (.doc file 27KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Election Debate 01

Do Election Posters really have any influence on the voter? Use this worksheet to start the debate in the classroom. (.doc file 28KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is for members...

Ireland’s Democracy

Booklet dealing with our democracy, elections and system of government. Suitable to be done in connection with a general or local election. 3 tests on the topic are included. Some details may need to be updated. (.doc file 121KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis...