by admin | Aug 22, 2020 | Maths Task Cards, Misc
This set of Maths Task Cards is aimed at pupils in middle/senior classes. The cards are intended to be used as a fun game/task to assist in the development of working memory. The pupil has to repeat the set of five numbers in reverse order. There are 50 cards in the...
by admin | Aug 4, 2020 | Maths Task Cards, Misc
This set of Maths Task Cards is aimed at pupils in middle classes. The cards are intended to be used as a fun game/task to reinforce and consolidate the concept of hundreds, tens and units. There are 100 cards in the pack, four per A4 page, using the numbers 101 –...
by admin | Jul 23, 2020 | Infants, Number, Resource Packs
This new resource pack is intended to support a unit of maths work on early number in infant classes, focusing on the numbers 0 – 10. Featuring a Hands theme, it contains 46 different files with 452 pages of resource material. The pack contains display...
by admin | May 26, 2020 | 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, Poetry, Resource Packs, Writing
This new resource pack is intended to support a unit of work on Writing Poetry in middle and senior classes. It contains 20 different types of poetry to write with 100 pages of resource material. The pack contains an explanation of each type of poem, a sample poem,...
by admin | May 17, 2020 | Geography, Resource Packs
The Africa Resource Pack is intended to support a topical cross-curricular unit of work on Africa. It contains 47 different files with 1,025 pages of resource material. The pack could be used as a stimulus for a more in-depth study of the continent or it could be used...
by admin | Mar 10, 2020 | Powerpoint, Science, Science
Pupils are undoubtedly hearing all about the outbreak of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 on all forms of media at the moment. However, there is a lot of jargon associated with the discussion which pupils may not understand. This presentation/display posters explains the most...